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Life Equestrian

Holsteiner Auction in Holstenhallen Neumünster

What was it like to sit at the auction with some of the most incredible Holsteiner bloodlines in the world? It was epic and surreal with a splash of destiny. Sitting next to the arena watching these horses float by was a dream. To think, this one arena is home to many of the future world champions??? Say What!?!

I took in every moment, from the German music playing with the entrance of each horse to the auctioneer starting the bidding. The process was incredible and one I will never forget. I hope next year to return with a budget to buy! We did have two horse purchased at our table and what a fun experience. When the auctioneer sees that there is a strong interest he has the horse circle in front of each table, almost enticing the buyer to place another bid. It was well played and well done with class and elegance. With one glance you can sense the crowd knows these animals incredible well and come from a prestigious background of competing. I hope to be back next year with the goal in leaving with my next dream horse!! Hey...a girl can dream right!?!

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