As an equestrian we are always looking for comfort and functionality. When we are on our horses, our mind is focused on the connection with our animals versus how we feel....although, this isn't always the case. It's brutal to try to connect with a 2,000 lb animal when our equipment is failing us. Now there is a savior for our feet....Foot Huggies to the rescue!!
There are a few different sock brands on the market and while all of them offer something unique and functional to riders, Foot Huggies is one that really stands out to me. Their socks are not only comfortable and stylish but they are designed with a rider in mind.
Check out the detail put into the design of these socks: "The Ventilation weave around the top of the foot and outer calf allows breath-ability. Our Double knit padding on the inside of the calf helps reduce bruising and soreness from the stirrup leather. The Achilles tendon padding along with our choice of a perspiration wicking fabric, COOLMAX®, helps reduce blistering, bruising and irritation. The Ankle, and Arch support keep your sock in place where it belongs without bunching.
Our double knit padding extends from the top of the Achilles tendon across the bottom of the foot, up and around the toes box keeping your toes from tearing through. Our invisible toe seam is located high up where your toes meet your foot to avoid creating calluses and corns along the outer part of your little and big toes. Our toe box is knitted with the big toe graduating smaller to the little toe so as to eliminate bunching in your boot from excess fabric, creating a comfortable and snug fit."
I love that they come in ultra thin and original thickness so I can wear them with both of my tall boots. The thicker pair I like to wear with my Parlanti's to give ample protection while my Fabbri boots are a snugger fit so I need a thinner sock to fit inside the boot.
I have been riding in these socks for the past few months and am very happy with them. They wash well, wear well, and keep my legs protected while riding multiple horses. They are a fantastic way to surprise your favorite equestrian.
Check them out online here:
Photo Credit: Kristin Lee Photography
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